1. It’s an investment in your future self
While this might seem obvious, failure to make this investment could result in having to make very drastic lifestyle changes come retirement age. Funding a pension allows you to maintain the type of lifestyle you become accustomed to living during your working years.
2. Nobody else cares more about your retirement than you. All the Government will do is keep you off the breadline.
That is a fact. Once you reach the age in which you’re entitled to the State Pension (once you made your full PRSI contributions) you’re looking at a receiving a figure of circa €14,000 a year. Funding your pension will ensure you have an income above and beyond this amount.
3. There is simply no other investment vehicle that can match the tax relief &
4. There are three tax benefits: your contributions, fund growth and tax-free lump sum
Let’s discuss both these together and they’re probably the most significant reasons to fund a pension, and which make them hard to ignore. If you pay tax at the higher rate, for every €100 you invest into your pension, the cost to you is only €60. Furthermore, your investment grows tax-free. And finally, once you draw your pension, you can avail of a tax-free lump sum. Food for thought for sure!
5. There’s no point in making plans to travel or live well after 65 unless you can afford it.
In many ways it goes back to the first reason about investing in your future self. Whether it be to travel more or take up a new hobby, the reality is you need to have money to pay for these things. Putting the money aside now, for your future, will help you achieve your retirement goals.
6. If you don’t do it yourself, you’ll be forced to from 2024 anyway.
This refers to Auto Enrolment which received government approval in October. Auto Enrolment will see contributions automatically made into a pension from your pay which will be added to (to a certain amount) by your employer and the State. However, for many, this simply won’t be enough.
7. Planning now means as the time draws nearer you can enhance as expenses free up
Many of us will have considerable expenses such as mortgage repayments or school fees to name just a few. As we get closer to retirement some of these expenses may no longer exist or have reduced. Taking the steps of funding a pension will have created the base for increasing your contributions once your expenses have lessened.
8. There is plenty of great advice out there and resources to help
Again, this is a really good point. Going it alone might seem extremely daunting but the reality is that you don’t have to. A good adviser can take your hand and provide comfort in the knowledge that your future is secure.
9. You can expect to live nearly as long in retirement as you did in work
That can’t be true – can it? Surprisingly enough it is. Life expectancy is now greater than ever so based on averages we’re in for a longer retirement and that needs to be considered.
10. You get to start dreaming about your post-work life and how you want to live. Your pension is simply the tool to make it come true
Not unlike points 1 and 5 this really highlights that adequately funding a pension gives you the peace of mind that you can enjoy your retirement while being financially secure. We know the earlier you start, the better but at the same token, it’s never too late either and it’s certainly not worth ignoring.
Why not contact us and we can assess your circumstances whilst providing you with the necessary steps to ensure your path to retirement is a smooth one.